Thursday, April 7, 2011

Boys and Girls Learn Differently

I really loved the activities that this group did, especially the first activity where each group had to figure out the chronological events on the picture. That sort of thing really engages me and my full attention was on that activity. By doing that activity, I then felt that I could better understand the points that were being made from the book as we looked at the results from how each group organized their pictures. Explaining how girls and boy learn differently was easier to grasps after trying to learn something in groups with all girls, all boys, and a mix, so that we could see the differences. I really liked that.

I also feel that each person, individually had some great points to make, which made me think some. For example, I have never really put lots of thought into dress code and school. I have always had a pretty negative view on mandatory dress code, mostly because of growing up in a school without one. Yet now that I am out of school, stepping back and thinking about all sides of this argument was interesting.
I also felt like I got some self reflecting time in at Kyle’s station when thinking back to what I did for sports in high school and how they have affected me. The questions on the sports quiz really made me have to reflect on how I feel about sports and whether or not they had any big impact on me and my school system. Sarah and Geoff’s part of the book I also found intriguing to think about and I think that learning about different ways of teaching kids is always good to keep in the back of my mind. Thanks a lot guys for your presentation. I had a lot of time to reflect on me while learning some new stuff, it was a good mix of information and the period flew by!

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